Sunday, May 17, 2015

How Instagram Changed Street Photography

While prior to Instagram, street photography was prominent for a small number of photographers, it has now blown up, like many other things, with the advances in technology. Because everyone is attached to their phone 24/7/365, taking an interesting, pleasing-to-the-eye picture, that has no real meaning is a simple as touching a button. With street photography today, someone can be in a city and see something that catches their eye and immediately post it to the internet and get 2737654 likes. On the other hand, some true photographers who never got any recognition before can go to a place like Instagram and upload images they took and get feedback and have people actually view and appreciate their work. So while like so many other technologies, Instagram has ruined some of the authenticity of street photography, it has also gained a sort of fanbase with the "hipster" communities of posting really cool images that everyone can appreciate for their quality.

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