Monday, February 23, 2015

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ― Dr. Seuss

Theme/Category: Love/Friendship

1.) "And now, how, we like to say that we're in love/ doesn't it, seem like that should be enough/ but, the world will roll their eyes but I still think/ well I still think that we're in love."
- 'I Still Think' by Darren Criss

For this quote, the image in my head is of two people holding hands, but you can only see the hands and some of the arm. Just two people who enjoy the company of one another in a very simple relationship. 

2.)  "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The image I have in my head for this is two, teenage, best friends like jumping off of a wall together or doing something that seems really stupid to others but the friends don't care because they are just doing something with each other that they can tell their kids about, later in life.

3.) "To think/ It's been here all along/ Somewhere to belong/ And a reason/ A something to believe in/ I've finally found it/ A place where I'm wanted/ This must be how it feels/ To have a home."
- 'To Have a Home' by Darren Criss

For this lyric, I see someone sitting in their room, cuddled up in a blanket reading a book or smiling/laughing in their sweatshirt and sweatpants being comfortable in their environment.

In my head, the images work together, but in execution I have a feeling that they would stand more alone.

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