Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Ballerina Project

The main inspiration, I think, behind the Ballerina Project is simply dance and the appreciation of dance along with the emotion behind dance. The photographer, Dane Shitagi, has been running this on-going project for about fifteen years. (whoa, '90s throwback, am I right?). I think the fact that all of the images were captured in film for he longest time is really special, too, and only recently was digital photography used for this unique dance photography project. I think I chose this project because I don't dance, and I admire those that do (especially "Dancing with the Stars..... Oh my gosh, and "Bunheads"... that show was amazing and very underrated RIP).

Dance is something that I really appreciate from afar and wish I would get into if I really had the time. I'm also basically Chad in High School Musical 2, where I say "I Don't Dance" and then break out into song and dance... although I'm still pretty bad. I can admire dance, but I'm not passionate enough about trying it. Maybe I will someday.

Oh, and as usual, I couldn't pick just one favorite...

Friday, March 20, 2015

Henri Cartier-Bresson

In researching Henri Cartier-Bresson, I found his opposition to cropping really cool, and totally understand his point of view. A photo should be what it is and when you can avoid editing, the stronger I think the photo is. I love the black and white. I don't know what it is about black and white, but something about the simplicity of the colors, but also the complexity that the  photo can hold because of the content is really, really just cool to me. I'm also very into the street-style photograph, with everyday people doing their everyday things.

To me, this picture captures one overall thing: Pure happiness. The two people, who seem to be in a relationship, just having a good time and being with someone who cares for them and who they care for. And even the person who is jumping is just showing joy and living in the moment.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lauren Dukoff

Okay first of all, I am in love with Lauren Dukoff's work... like she may be my new favorite photographer. Possibly because of all the black and white. The simplicity of just a singular person in black in white is just just so cool to me. Dukoff takes portraits of people, mostly famous musicians/actors, in their so-called "natural habitats". Her pictures are intimate in a way and allow the viewer to feel closer to whomever is in the photo whether you know them or not.

I couldn't choose just one photo... so I chose one person: Devendra Banhart. I had heard of him a few times but never really knew who he was and I researched him and his story in itself is kind of interesting and to see him in these incredible photos made me look into him even more. He is actually really good friends with Dukoff and wrote a forward/introduction in one of her photography books. The black and white adds a sort of depth to the photo and in these images, part of Banhart's personality comes out which makes me appreciate both Banhart and Dukoff.